Tekla Healthcare Investors
HQH 17.25 Stock Price Tekla Healthcare Investors

Stock List  /  Tekla Healthcare Investors
Range:14.58-19.79Vol Avg:136187Last Div:2.48Changes:0.07
Sector:Financial ServicesIPO:Thu Apr 23 1987Empoloyees:
CEO:Dr. Daniel R. Omstead M.S, Ph.D.Website:https://www.teklacap.com
Tekla Healthcare Investors is a closed-ended equity mutual fund launched and managed by Tekla Capital Management LLC. The fund invests in public equity markets across the globe. It seeks to invest in stocks of companies operating in the healthcare sector, including the biotechnology, medical devices, and pharmaceuticals industries. The fund primarily invests in growth stocks of small cap companies. It employs fundamental analysis with a focus on factors such as current or anticipated market position for services or products, experienced business management, recognized technological expertise, and the ability either to generate funds internally to finance growth or to secure outside sources of capital to create its portfolio. The fund benchmarks the performance of its portfolio against the NASDAQ Biotechnology Index, the S&P 500 Index, and the S&P 1500 Healthcare Index. It was previously known as H&Q Healthcare Investors. Tekla Healthcare Investors was formed on October 31, 1986 and is domiciled in the United States.
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