ETRACS 2x Leveraged US Size Factor TR ETN
IWML 25.25 Stock Price ETRACS 2x Leveraged US Size Factor TR ETN

Stock List  /  ETRACS 2x Leveraged US Size Factor TR ETN
Range:14.704-25.53Vol Avg:1427Last Div:0Changes:0.47
Sector:Financial ServicesIPO:Tue Feb 09 2021Empoloyees:
As a levered product, IWML is not a buy-and-hold ETN, it's a short-term tactical instrument designed to provide 2x exposure to the Russell 2000. The underlying index consists primarily of small-caps, but also drifts into midcaps and heavily into micro-caps, overall representing approximately 10% of the total market. Like many levered funds, IWML delivers 2x exposure only for one day. The fund also resets its leverage quarterly. Keep in mind this is an exchange-traded note, as such, investors also assume the credit risk of UBS. Index reconstitution is done annually.

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