Sprott Lithium Miners ETF
LITP 8.30 Stock Price Sprott Lithium Miners ETF

Stock List  /  Sprott Lithium Miners ETF
Range:6.11-12.94Vol Avg:13166Last Div:0.35Changes:-0.11
Sector:Financial ServicesIPO:Thu Feb 02 2023Empoloyees:
LITP provides pure-play exposure to the global lithium industry in support of achieving a less carbon-intensive economy. The fund gives access to a portfolio of 40-50 US and foreign companies involved with or derive half of their revenue from the mining, exploration, development, or production of lithium. The investable universe is identified through a proprietary selection methodology which includes industry publication reviews and fundamental research. All eligible securities are then included as constituents provided that the minimum market-cap and liquidity requirements are met. An intensity score is also assigned to each company depending on their revenue percentage attributable to lithium. While the index is market cap-weighted, several capping rules are implemented based on the securities initial weights to ensure a diversified portfolio. Index reconstitution and rebalancing is done on a semi-annual basis in June and December.

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